Hi, I'm Daniel Ball.

I'm a Software Engineer living in the NYC metro area. I'm passionate about going to the movies, basketball, and being around my family and friends. My career started when I graduated from Mercy College with a degree in Computer Information Systems, and over the last several years has transitioned into software development. I'm equipped with the skills of Ruby, Javascript, Rails, React, Redux, HTML5, and CSS3. Here's my Resume.




Live | GitHub

A web application where you can leave reviews about businesses. Built with Rails, Ruby, JavaScript, React, HTML5, and CSS.


  • Utilized Google Maps Static API in a search component to render all businesses via their coordinates that matched the results found in the database.
  • Implemented user authentication using BCrypt and controlled which components would be rendered and accessible depending on who’s logged in.
  • Incorporated Active Storage to remotely store photos when a new user posts a review for a business.

Flying Saucers

Live | GitHub

A browser based point and shoot game. Built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5.


  • Created collision detection where ‘Saucers,’ were considered destroyed if either their height or width disappeared from the display or their coordinates were larger than the width of the Canvas.
  • Used CSS3 Animations to render content by using keyframes and text shadow effects to continuously alter the appearance while being rendered on the screen.
  • Utilized the SoundJS library for sound effects including background music, mouse click, and paired effects with messages for every level of completion.


Live | GitHub

A web application where you can leave experiences about businesses. Built with Rails, Ruby, HTML5, and SCSS.


  • Utilized the Geokit Gem to automatically acquire the coordinates for a new Business that was added to the site, which also utilized Google Maps Static API to render businesses via their coordinates.
  • Implemented user authentication using BCrypt, and email verification via Action Mailer(Rails). Action Mailer was also used to implement forgotten password.
  • Created polymorphic associations where users were able to follow and unfollow other users and businesses.
  • Implemented media queries to ensure the site would work on a desktop, tablet, and cell phone.


Live | GitHub

A web application where you can take a quiz to test your skills in regards to Time Complexity. Built with MongoDB, Express React, Node.js, HTML5, and CSS3.


  • Created media queries so the application is Responsive across desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Implemented user authentication using BCrypt and JWTs. Routes to different pages are protected unless the user is signed in.
  • Incorporated React Syntax Highlighter to display 'code' in a more elegant manner.
  • Used React Wave and Spinner components to create animations on the homepage.